I found a skull today. Walking off the path in the woods of our property, I passed something hanging from a spindly tree branch that I couldn't identify, so I had to take a better look. This strange little skull was just hanging from a thin, low-hanging branch that I'm surprised could even hold its weight. The last time I checked, skulls don't grow on trees. This thing had been purposely placed there.
I found a receipt in my jacket pocket and used it to pluck the little thing off and carried it home, hanging by my fingertips protected by paper. Alex couldn't identify it . . . it's too big to be a squirrel and the snout portion i
sn't long enough to be a racoon. It might be a cat (which is pretty creepy considering recent events) or a small dog.
Cosmically speaking, what the heck does it mean when you find something like this? Maybe I've invited some sort of critter demon into my home by removing it. The next thing we know, we might have the makings of a B horror movie - an unidentified skeleton rising from the dead and wreaking havoc on our lives. Maybe I'll name it Chucky.
I found a receipt in my jacket pocket and used it to pluck the little thing off and carried it home, hanging by my fingertips protected by paper. Alex couldn't identify it . . . it's too big to be a squirrel and the snout portion i

Cosmically speaking, what the heck does it mean when you find something like this? Maybe I've invited some sort of critter demon into my home by removing it. The next thing we know, we might have the makings of a B horror movie - an unidentified skeleton rising from the dead and wreaking havoc on our lives. Maybe I'll name it Chucky.